Frequently Asked Questions - Hawaii
Find answers to commonly asked questions about Simply ELT.
Hawaii General Information
Click here for instructions on how to enroll in this state.
The state holidays where new titles will NOT be received and releases and paper title requests will NOT be sent are: New Years Day, Martin Luthor Day, President's Day,Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day,Statehood Day, General Election Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, and Christmas.
Lien Notification Transactions
Not at this time.
Release Transactions
When a loan is paid off, the lien will be removed and the title will print and mail to either the owner or any 3rd party specified by the lienholder at time of release. 3rd party can include dealers, finance companies, insurance companies, etc.
Not at this time.
Paper Title Request Transactions
Yes, a paper title request can be directed to any valid mail-to address.
Not at this time.
Electronic lien and title, also known as ELT, is a program offered by various US States allowing state Department of Motor Vehicles to electronically exchange lien and title information with lienholders in lieu of a paper title.
The benefits of ELT far outweigh any drawbacks so every lender should want to use ELT. However, not every state requires a lender to use ELT. As of May 2015 the following states have MANDATED an ELT program: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Virginia.
State jurisdiction benefits include: more accurate data resulting from the electronic exchange of data, improved delivery time, reduction in the use and control of secure forms, reduction in mailing and printing costs, improved data and forms security.
Lienholder benefits include: potential staff reduction in areas associated with filing, retrieval and mailing of paper titles, reduction in storage space needed for filing and storing of paper titles, ease of processing for dealer transactions, reduction in fraud.Yes. We have done many conversions both large and small from all of the main service providers. Your current service provider will supply us with a transmission of all your ACTIVE titles.